Description: This is an abstract for the Student Profile, which summarizes all pertinent data (demographics, assessments, grades, etc.) for a single student.
Purpose: Provides a report of key data about a student and their current performance in multiple areas.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Student
Note: You may run this report for a single student at a time or for multiple students simultaneously (as a time saver) via the Reports tab. In any approach, each student will still be featured on separate pages.

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers, administrators, counselors, students, and parents.
What data is reported?
Generally all pertinent data (demographics, assessments, grades, etc.) for a single student; the report is customizable, so you may add, remove, or edit data categories (Widgets).
How is the data reported?
Each student has his or her own report/pages with a photo (if your district supplies it) and contact/key info at the top and a segment for each piece of data you opt to include.
Next Steps
Learn more about what there is in a Student's Profile by visiting All About Student Profile Widgets.