Description: This is an abstract for the CELDT - AMAO Student List, which lists all students who took the CELDT with scores and AMAO status.
Purpose: Identifies how each student performed on the CELDT and which AMAO goals must be reached for Title III.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > CELDT
Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and administrators
What data is reported?
For every student who took the CELDT in a single academic year: CELDT Overall level and proficiency status for 2 years, AYP participation and proficiency level for English-Language Arts (ELA) and Math, goals/AMAOs and status in making those goals, and 5 years in U.S. status.
How is the data reported?
Each student is listed with 1 row of data per CELDT administration.
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) only apply to districts receiving Title III funds, which must meet 3 AMAOs/goals each year. AMAO requirements vary for each student, but generally: AMAO 1 requires ELs to show progress in English proficiency on the CELDT, AMAO 2 requires ELs to earn proficiency on the CELDT, and AMAO 3 requires ELs to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) objectives at the District level via participation and proficiency in both ELA and Mathematics on the STAR (or CAHSEE for 10th graders).