This lesson will guide you through the steps to take when wanting to create, edit, or delete a role at your site. Create as many roles as needed but remember more roles means more permissions to manage.
Where to Start

- Click on the Administration Gear.
- Under Users, select Role Management.
Adding a Role
- A list of existing roles appears. Select the Paper/Pencil icon to edit a role. Select the red X to delete the role.
- Select Add to create a new role.
Add Role Details
- Role Name - Give the role a name. Ex. Attendance, Tutor, Teacher.
- Role Short Name - Give the role an abbreviated name if necessary.
- Role Level - Dependent on your site you may classify your roles into levels. If a user is assigned two non teaching roles they will assume the permissions of the role with the higher role level.
- Job Classification - Administrator, Teacher, Pupil Services, Non- Certificated Admin, Itinerant Teacher, Non-Certificated Teacher
- Can Teach? - This will default to No, change to Yes as necessary to the role.
- Can Counsel? - This will default to No, change to Yes as necessary to the role.
- Can Refer Discipline? - This will default to Yes, change to No as necessary to the role. Setting this to yes will allow users to create new behavior incidents in the Behavior module.
- Click Save.
Any role with Can Teach set to yes will only be able to see students rostered to them. This means if you have a teacher that also needs to have access to students not on his/her roster then an additional account will need to be created for them with the Can Teach option set to NO on the secondary account.

Once save is clicked, you will be taken back to the role list and receive the confirmation "Role Saved Successfully".
Next Steps
To update permissions tied to roles, visit Add or Edit Permissions.