This article provides the step-by-step instructions to successfully connect to DnA's SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) Server. Manually connecting to the SFTP allows system administrators to check on the status of the files placed there by an extract tool, or add secure files for storage.
Where to Start
In order to connect to the SFTP manually, you will need the following:
Graphical UI application that supports the SFTP protocol
- Unless you know/prefer to write command-line connections, the easiest route is through a graphical UI application that supports the SFTP protocol. There are a variety of graphical UI applications out there that support SFTP connections. You can find several freeware via a Google search.
- Our steps and screenshots below are from using a free software, Cyberduck. Cyberduck can be found at the following URL and is available for both Mac/PC: First download the app, and then install it to begin connecting.
SFTP Username and Password from DnA
- These are issued when you first implement DnA. The username and password for your district is established at that time. If you don't have access to that password, please submit a request to the Support Team to request credentials.
Launch Cyberduck

1. On launching the app, select Open Connection.
Screenshots provided are from the Mac version, appearance may slightly vary for PC users.
Add SFTP credentials

- Using the drop-down, please select your connection protocol as SFTP.
- DnA's SFTP server is located at the address:
- This should default to Port 22 when you choose SFTP in the first step. If not, make sure the port says 22.
- Enter your district username.
- Enter your password. NOTE: This password is case-sensitive so make sure to enter the password exactly as provided.
- Select Connect.

If you were unsuccessful, the connection would time out and you'd get some kind of connection error message. If so, review the steps to verify you've entered the information accurately. If still unsuccessful, please submit a request to alert the DnA Help Desk.
If you were successful, the connection should have immediately taken you into the root directory of your account. There you will see your current files and folders. Double click into any folder to see the contents.
- Data Extracts: If you are an ISI user/client and have 3rd party connectors set up, those exports should be found within the data_extracts folder. Double click to view your current extract files.
- Core Data Files: Most sites keep their current year's core data files in the initial root directory. You will be able to see what files are available (ie roster.txt, enrollment.txt, studemo.txt) and the time stamp indicating when those files were placed there.
If you'd like to place new files on the SFTP, locate the files on your computer or server. Then you can drag those files or folders directly into your open SFTP folder. You may get prompted when you drop the files. Once you confirm, the files will be copied to the destination.
Next Steps
To learn about processing one time data imports, check out Processing a One-Time Import.