This lesson is intended to help guide both providers and admins with various caseload management related features.
Mass Caseload Management works differently for admins than providers.
While admins can and assign students to any user's caseloads, providers are only able to assign students to his/her caseload from other provider's caseloads (not place students from his/her caseload on another provider's caseload.
Mass Caseload Management also allows users to adjust the program hours and LRE hours within the range written in the IEP.
For additional information please contact us by e-mailing or calling us at (951)-739-0186.
Where to Start
1. Select the Students tab.
2. Under Current, click Mass Caseload Management.
Note: You may only see the current tab due to permission settings. For more information you should contact your system admin.
Mass Caseload Management
Using the fields provided, choose the provider for whom you wish to make caseload adjustments.
Note: You can leave the fields blank and search for all providers, search by role, or by site. Remember, you will only be able to search for sites to which you are affiliated.
1. Input the Effective Date of the changes (the Effective Date must be greater than the Program/Service start date).
2. Make any necessary adjustments to the student's Program/Service Hours (hours cannot be less than the minimum range written into an IEP or exceed maximum range written into an IEP.
3. Make any necessary adjustments to the Program/Service LRE Hours (contact your system admin if you are unsure of what to put in this field).
4. From the Drop Down menu, select the New Provider.
5. To fill down the choice from the first student on the list (i.e., to make the same change for all students), click the Pencil and Paper icon.
6. To reset the form, click the Reset button.
7. Once all changes are made, click the Save button.
Note: If you get a red error bar because of a mistake, you can either make adjustments to correct the information or clear out the information in ALL FIELDS and click Save. Also, you do not have to make changes to all students. You may choose to make changes to a selected few students. In this case, changes will only be made to those students for whom an Effective Date has been input. Moreover, you also do not have to assign the student to a New Provider. In the event that only the hours need to be adjusted, from the New Provider drop down, select the Current Provider (see Next Steps for more information on the Current Provider).