WARNING: Publishing an IEP is final and CANNOT be undone.
This lesson is intended to describe how to publish an IEP and document when a copy was provided to parents.
This lesson requires that you have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help.
This lesson also requires that you have added an invitation, indicated parental/participant attendance, indicated that the student is not eligible for special education services, provided rationale for an ineligibility determination, and completed the provision of services section. For more information on how to add an invitation and participant information see the, "Create an IEP Invitation" chapter in this manual. For more information on how to input parental/participant attendance, determine eligibility, provide rationale for an ineligibility determination, and/or complete the provision of services section see the, "Complete an Ineligible IEP" chapter in this manual.
Where to Start

1. Click on Special Ed.
2. Click on IEP Details.
To create an Invitation click on Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume"

From the IEP Wizard Quick Resume Menu, select IEP Wizard Publish.

Click on the Preview IEP link to ensure all information in the IEP is correct.

After clicking the Preview IEP link a pop-up box will appear with the option to Open with or Save File (i.e. Draft IEP).
1. Select Open with.
2. Click OK.
Note: If you have a pop-up blocker installed with your internet browser you may not immediately see this menu. Check the top or bottom of your screen for a message similar to "A Pop-up Has Been Blocked. Do you want to Keep or Discard this file?" Also, If you are having difficulty opening the Draft IEP you might want to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.

After reviewing the Draft IEP, notice that a Check Box appears above the Back button on the IEP Wizard Publish page.
1. Click the Check Box to indicate that you have previewed the IEP and that ALL information is accurate.
2. Click the Publish IEP link to publish the IEP.
3. Click the Close link to close the IEP without publishing any data.
Note: A pop-up window will appear after clicking the Publish IEP link to confirm your choice to publish the IEP.
Once you click the "Publish" link a pop-up will appear.
1. Select from the drop-down how the parents were informed about FAPE.
2. Click the Yes/No Radio Button to publish the IEP.
3. Click "Save."
Next Steps

You have successfully published your IEP and the Status on the IEP Details screen will change to "IEP Published."
From here you can view, upload attachments, and print the IEP.