This article is intended to guide users through completing Eligibility Details page of the IFSP.
Where to Start
To start an IFSP click Special Ed tab-> IFSP Details-> Pencil Icon (next to desired IFSP)-> Wizard Quick Navigation-> Eligibility Details
Eligibility Overview
The Eligibility Details has three sections.
1. Eligible Categories.
2. Not Eligible options.
3. Prior Written Notice.
Child is Eligible
1. Select Option A if the child meets eligibility criteria for early intervening services.
2. Select the appropriate check box(es) if the child has a Developmental Delay INCLUDING Developmental Delay.
3. Select the appropriate check box(es) if the child has an Established Condition INCLUDING Established Condition.. NOTE: If the child is eligible for special education you will ALSO need to select Established Condition AND Eligible under MARSE.
4. Select Special Education AND the appropriate check box(es) if the child meets eligibility criteria for MI Mandatory Special Education.
Child Not Eligible
1. Select the radial button if the child does not meet eligibility criteria for Early On.
2. Select check box if the child was evaluated for Michigan Special Education and found ineligible.
Prior Written Notice
1. Input the date that the Prior Written Notice (specific to eligibility) was provided to the Parent(s)/Guardian(s). Note: The Prior Written Notice is a separate process that can be accessed in the Special Education tab.
2. Input the Reason for ineligibility/eligibility in the text box.
3. Click Next Step.
Next Steps
Once you have completed the Eligibility Details page you are ready to enter Outcomes.
For more information on adding Outcomes (Goals) to an IFSP see the, "Early On/IFSP Manual."
If you are still having trouble with the eligibility page you can contact us via e-mail at