This article is intended to guide users through adding Outcomes (Goals) to a child's IFSP.
Where to Start
To start an IFSP click Special Ed tab-> IFSP Details-> Pencil Icon (next to desired IFSP)-> Wizard Quick Navigation-> Outcome Details
Input Date
Input the Date for the Outcome.
Select Outcome
Click on the desired Outcome from the drop-down.
Select Provider(s)
Click on the Provider(s) that will be working on the Outcome with the family from the drop-down.  Note:  Only the Providers that have been entered as a Participant on the Meeting Page will show up in the drop-down.
Add Present Status
1.  Input the Present Status in the text box.
2.  Click Add Measurable Outcome.
Measurable Outcome Overview
Subsequent steps describe each section in more detail.
Add Measurable Outcome and Procedures, Strategies & Methods
1.  Input the Measurable Outcome in the text box.
2.  Input the Procedures, Strategies & Methods in the text box.
Select Assessment Method/Tool
Select Assessment Method/Tool from the drop-down.
Select Criterion
Select Criterion from the drop-down.
Select Time Frame
1.  Select Time Frame from the drop-down.
2.  Click "Save" to save ALL information on the page or click "cancel" to return to the previous page without saving
Completed Measurable Outcome (Goal) Page
After successfully saving you will automatically be redirected to the Outcomes page.
To proceed to the next step in the IFSP process click the "Next Step" button.  Note: Click Add Measurable Outcomes to add additional Outcomes.  To Edit an Outcome click on the pencil Icon.  To delete an Outcome click on the red circle with the minus sign.
Next Steps
Once you are finished adding Outcomes for the child you are ready to proceed to the Service Details page.
For more information on adding services to an IFSP see the, Early On/IFSP Manual.
If you are still having trouble adding Outcomes (Goals) you can reach us via e-mail at or by telephone at (517) 224-4499.