This lesson is intended as a guide to completing the Transition Plan for a child's IFSP.
Note: This step will only be available if "Transition" is selected as one of the Purposes of the IFSP. For more information on setting the purpose see the, "Initiate an IFSP and Input Meeting Information" lesson in the "Early On/IFSP Manual."
Where to Start
To start an IFSP click Special Ed tab-> IFSP Details-> Pencil Icon (next to desired IFSP)-> Wizard Quick Navigation-> Transition Plan
Transition Plan Overview
Each section of the Transition Plan will be described in subsequent steps.
Note: If you click Save you will be taken to the next step in the process.  To go back to the Transition Plan click Previous Step.
Add Transition Plan
1. Click Yes to add a transition plan or No to skip this step.
Add Transition Plan Date, Conference Date and Reason for Transition
1. Input the Transition Plan Date.
2. Input the Transition Conference Date.
3. Click the appropriate reason(s) for the Transition.
Add Child's Present Level of Development and Steps & Services to Support the Transition of the Child
1. Click appropriate check box to indicate if the child is presently special education eligible.
2. Input any updated evaluation information in the text box.
3. indicate any necessary Steps by clicking the appropriate check box(es).
Add Strategies, Transition Location, and Disposition of Early On Records
1. Input any strategies that will be used when addressing Steps.
2. From the drop-down indicate where the child will be transitioning to.
3. Select which Services will continue by clicking the radio button next to the Programs/Services and input which program/service will continue from the child's third birthday to the end of the school year.
4. Click on radial button and input Program/Service options after Early On ends.
5. Indicate how/where the child's records will be sent/maintained.
6. Click the "Next Step" button to save ALL information on the page and proceed to the next step in the IFSP process.
Next Steps
Once you have completed the Transition Plan you are ready to move on to the Primary Provision page of the IFSP.
For more information on the Primary Provision page see the, "Indicate Primary Provision" lesson in the "Early On/IFSP Manual."
If you are still having trouble completing the Transition Plan page of the IFSP you can reach our support team via e-mail at or by telephone at (517) 224-4499.