This lesson provides an overview of the functions available from the Provider Case Load screen. For more information on managing a provider's case load, see the "Case Load Management" chapter in this manual.
1. Use the sub-navigation toolbar to change views on the Provider Case Load screen. Choose Show All to display individual students and Provider Groups, Show Caseload to display only Active students, or Show Groups to display only the Provider Groups that have been created.
2. Depending on a user's permissions, click the [change provider] link to search for another Provider whose caseload you wish to view.
3. Click the Show Inactive Caseload link to display students that are currently Inactive.
4. Clicking any of these links will download the information contained in the screen to the selected file type (i.e., .pdf, .xls, .txt, or .xml).
5. Use the Check Boxes to select or deselect students for whom you wish to log an encounter.
6. Icons indicate a student's eligibility for Medicaid.
7. Click a Student to view his/her Encounter History. See the "View a Student's Encounter History" lesson in this manual for more information on viewing a student's Encounter History.
8. Depending on your permissions you may see this icon which will allow you to add/edit delegate(s) for a student.
9. Click this link to Show Encounters for a desired student.
10. Click the Green Plus Icon to create a new encounter. For a detailed walk-through of creating an encounter, see the "Create a Single Student Encounter" lesson in this manual.
11. Clicking the Add Encounter For All Current Students link opens a mass encounter logging tool allowing a Provider to log an encounter for ALL students on his/her caseload. For a detailed description of how to add encounters for all students on a provider's caseload, see the "Create Multiple Student Encounters (All Students)" lesson in this manual.
12. Depending on a user's permissions, use the Drop Down menu to mass assign a delegate.