This lesson provides a step-by-step description of how to view students who have become inactive on a Provider Case Load.
Where to Start

For ISE Only Users select Medicaid -> Providers Caseload.
For Multi-product Users (DnA and ISE, ISE and ISI, etc.) select Special Ed -> Providers Caseload.
Note: Based on a user's permissions, additional links may be available.

1. Utilize filter options to narrow search. Enter a few letters up to an entire Last Name, First Name, Role, and/or Site.
2. Click the Search button.
Note: Depending on the search specificity more than one Provider may appear. See the next step for information on how to Choose a Provider. In most cases, the Choose a Provider screen will not be available. Unless you are an administrator or have special permissions, you may only have access to your own Case Load.

Select the desired Provider by clicking on his/her name.
Note: Clicking the provider's name will automatically redirect you to the Provider Case Load screen where you can view all of the Active and Inactive students on your Case Load.
Show Inactive Caseload
Click the Show Inactive Caseload link.
Note: Clicking Show Inactive Caseload will automatically switch the view of your caseload to list only students with an Inactive Status.
Next Steps

1. Notice the Status changes from "Active" to "Inactive" and the Students are different.
2. Notice the Show Active Caseload link. Click this link to return to viewing students currently on your caseload.
Hint: You can perform many of the same functions in the Inactive Provider Caseload that you can in an Active Provider Caseload. See the "Case Load Management" chapter in this manual for more information.