This lesson is intended to be a guide to editing and printing progress reports for multiple students on a provider's case load.
Using the Progress Report Management feature allows providers to edit and print progress reports quickly and easily for all students on the provider's case load.
For more information on how to create and/or edit a Progress Report, see the "Create & Edit Progress Reports" chapter in this manual.
If you are still having difficulty creating a Progress Report please contact the Illuminate Help Desk by calling 951-739-0186 or e-mailing us at
Where to Start

After opening a student's record (see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help), click Special Ed. Select Progress Report Management under Process menu.
Choose a Provider (Admins Only)

Note: This step is for Admins only. Providers without administrative permissions will only have access to their own caseload.
1. Input the Provider's Last Name and First Name or a portion thereof in the the provided fields.
2. Search by Role using the drop down menu.
3. Indicate the Search Site by using the drop down meu.
4. Click Search.
Edit Student Progress Reports

Select a student whose Progress Report you would like to edit by clicking on the student's name.
Return to the Mass Progress Report Edit Screen
1. Make any necessary additions or adjustments to the student's Progress Report and click the Save button.
2. Click the IEP Mass Progress Report Edit tab to return to the Mass Progress Report Edit screen where you can continue to edit and/or print additional sutdent progress reports.
Note: Repeat Steps 1-2 until all desired progress report modifications/additions have been made for students on your caseload before proceeding to the next step.
Next Steps

You are now ready to print progress reports from the Mass Progress Report Edit Screen.
For more information on printing mass progress reports, see the "Print Multiple Progress Reports" lesson in this manual.