This lesson is intended to help users understand the basics of the Core Data Import Logs
Where to Start

1. Click on the Admin Gear.
2. Select Core Data Import Logs.
Data Import Log List
1. The Automation Profile will show you which automation profile was used during the import (note: this should not be altered without consulting the Illuminate Data team).
2. The Config Used is a link to the configuration used during the import process (note: this should not be altered except by your technology team).
3. Click the Finished link to view rejections, warnings, and successes
Core Data Import Log- Results
The Results screen provides a description of the following:
Dataset- which files were processed
Records Processed- how many records were in the file that was processed
Records Rejected- how many records were rejected from the import
Warnings- How many records had warnings associated with them
Success- How many records successfully imported
Note: The import process only processes records that have changed. Records that were unchanged in the SIS may not appear on this list.
For more information on which records were rejected, have warnings, or were successfully imported, click on the number in the appropriate column and row.
Rejections- Log Summary
Click on the number in the rejections column to see the students rejected and reasons why they were rejected.
Near the top of the screen one or more Messages may appear (e.g., Local Student is required but is empty).
By clicking on the message link, you can narrow the table below to only show results with that specific error.
Click Resolve Now next to errors related to Code Mangement.
Warnings- Log Summary
Click on the number in the rejections column to see the students rejected and reasons why they were rejected.
Near the top of the screen one or more Messages may appear (e.g., Leave date is later than the section end date).
By clicking on the message link, you can narrow the table below to only show results with that specific warning.
Note: Warnings will not import the field that is displaying the warning, as long as the required fields are present and match the correct formatting the remainder of the data will import from the file (reference the data specifications).
Next Steps
Reference any rejections or warnings with the flat files being sent nightly to Illuminate.
Cross reference the flat files with the data specs and the warning messages in Illuminate's Core Data Import Log.
If you have specific questions on what each message means, please contact us at