Where to Start

Click on Special Ed tab-> Student Program Code Details or Student Support Service Details
1. Note Provider History
Click "Edit"
Return to Program/Service Code Details

Click "Student Program Code Details"
2. Note Program/Service Information
Right Click "View" and select "Open Link in New Tab"

A new tab will open in your browser displaying the above information. Keep this tab open so that you can refer back to it when adding the program back to the system with its new end date.

Click on the tab at the top of your screen to return to the student's Program/Service Code Details page.
4. Add Old Program with New End Date

The above screen will display requesting information about the program.
1. Toggle between tabs at the top of your browser to transfer information between pages.
2. The Duration Date should be the day before the first day of the new IEP (e.g., if the new IEP starts 1/27/2014 the Duration Date of this program will be 1/26/2014.
3. Click "Submit"
5. Preserve Provider History
Click "Edit" to the Program/Service that was just added.
6. Add New Program
Click "Add"

The above screen will display requesting information about the program/service.
1. Complete all required fields (denoted by a red asterisk). The Initiation and Duration Dates should correspond to the Program/Service start and end dates in the student's IEP.
2. Click "Submit"
Next Steps
Repeat process as necessary.