You have the ability to attach your own customized form letter using our form letter setup tool. If you’ve already used our layout tool with attendance letters, elementary report cards, and/or behavior letters, this tool will be familiar to you. This lesson will walk you through how to add your own customized form letter using information from a custom report.
Where to Start

1. Select Reports.
2. Click View Reports.
3. Select a custom report from your list.
Add a Form Letter

Go to Form Letter and click Add...
Enter Form Letter Information
1. Enter a Name for your letter.
2. Optional - Add a Description.
3. Click Save.
Upload PDF Template

1. Click Choose File to open the appropriate file stored on your computer.
2. Click Save.
You will be directed to the Edit Layout page after clicking Save.
We only support PDF formatted files, but any file type (Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.) can be turned into a pdf.
Edit Layout
- The columns from your custom report (a.k.a. blocks) will display on the left of the PDF template.
- Click and Drag the block to where you want the information to appear on your letter.
- Release your mouse click when the field is in the spot you want.
- Click Save when you're done adding blocks to your PDF.
A success message will tell you your PDF has been saved. Click OK.
If you try to select a block that you have already added, the block will flash in red with a note explaining that you have already added that block.

Adjust the block to fit within your print area by placing your mouse over the lower-right corner of the block, clicking, and dragging/dropping the block's boundary's out or in before releasing your mouse click.
Edit Blocks

- Click on the Formatting Palette (i) icon.
- Once you release your mouse, the selected block(s) will turn green.
- To remove a block, select a block and click Delete from the Formatting Palette.
- Click Save when you're done editing.
A success message will tell you your PDF has been saved. Click OK.

The block alignment tools allows you to align multiple blocks for uniformity.
1. You can left, center, or right align the blocks.
2. You can top, center, bottom align the blocks.
3. You can adjust the height or width of the blocks. The tool will default to adjust to the tallest/widest block. If you hold your shift key as you click on the specific block alignment icon, the tool will adjust to the shortest/most narrow block.
Download Form Letter

Click Download to generate a file containing your form letter for each of your students.
Next Steps
See the Add Columns to a Custom Report lesson to add additional blocks to your form letter.