The Standards Report allows teachers to generate a report that shows students scores for each standard linked within a GradeBook and the assignments linked to that standard. For each standard, the report shows the overall percentage, mark, and points.
Where to Start
- Click the Gradebook tab.
- Select My Gradebooks.
- Select the title of a Gradebook.
- Click on the Reports tab.
- Select Standards Report.
Report Options
Once on the main page for the Standards Report, you can select the options you would like to appear on your report (click on the arrow to the left to access the options):
- Filter through your students by date, rostering (Single Period/Course/Section) and demographics. This is optional, if you do not select any of these filters the progress reports will run for all of your currently rostered students.
- Chose which Gradebooks you would like to include on this report.
- Select the Grading Period to report on.
- Use Page Options to chose to separate students on to separate pages.
- Display Options is all optional customization you can select based on how desired data is grouped and named.
- Click View Report to see a preview in your browser, or Download PDF to print your reports.
Next Steps
Check out other available reports by visiting Gradebook Reports.