Description: This is an abstract for the AIMSweb Quadrant Instructional Sort report. This report allows for selection of two AIMSweb general outcome measures and groups students into four groups based on performance on both measures.
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to place students into specific quadrants based on the number of correct answers for the two General Outcome Measures selected to help determine the specific area for addition support.
Group 1 Likely to Need Core Support; Group 2 Additional Support Needed for General Outcome Measure 1, Group 3 Additional Support Needed for General Outcome Measure 2. Group 4 Additional Support Needed for General Outcome Measure 1 and 2.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > AIMSweb

Who is the intended audience?
What data is reported?
This report contains the academic year, testing year, grade level, site name, General Outcome Measures, student names, and number of questions correct for General Outcome Measures 1 and 2.
Additionally, one can filter by grade level, English proficiency, race/ethnicity, special education, socio-economical SED (yes or no) and student group. If these filters are utilized, they will also be displayed.
How is the data reported?
All students at the site are displayed within quadrants according to the number of correct answers for the selected General Outcome Measure 1 and 2. Students appear list-wise for the tier they are in.