Description: This is an abstract for the AIMSweb Score Matrix report. This report allows for a comparison of student’s results (Correct and Error) for each of the General Outcome Measures per each of the testing periods.
Purpose: This report displays the students General Outcome Measures for the three testing periods (Fall, Winter and Spring) allowing a comparison be the three. Each set of results are color coordinated based on need for further instruction (Green- Low Risk, Yellow- Some Risk, Pink- At Risk). Based on these results, the ROI (Rate of Improvement) is then calculated, enabling the User to further assess the student’s need for further assistance based upon their improvement and their risk.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > AIMSweb Score Matrix Report
Who is the intended audience?
This report is meant for Teacher/Administrators/Counselors to use to help evaluate student’s needs based upon specific General Outcome Measures.
What data is reported?
This report displays student name, student id, school site, testing year, academic year, number of correct answers/errors for each General Outcome Measure and each testing period (Fall, Winter and Spring) with the color representing the tier level, and the ROI (Rate of Improvement).
Additionally, one can filter by grade level, English proficiency, race/ethnicity, special education, socio-economical SED (yes or no) and student group. If these filters are utilized, these values will also be displayed.
How is the data reported?
Each student has their results for each General Outcome Measure displayed with the number correct answers and errors for each testing period (Fall, Winter, and Spring) displayed below. The ROI is displayed for each student under the General Outcome Measure with all three testing periods.