Description: This is an abstract for theNWEA Student report, which summarizes overall performance and goal results for a student, with an option to compare results to a prior assessment.
Purpose: Provides a summary of a students NWEA performance and allows for analysis of growth between two assessments.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > NWEA
Who is the intended audience?
Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators
What data is reported?
Each student’s name, student ID, current grade level, current site, RIT scores for one or two selected NWEA assessments, percentile rank, and actual (if comparison is made) and typical growth scores between the assessments selected
How is the data reported?
Each separate report section belongs to a specific student.The student’s RIT scores, Percentile, Lexile (reading) and a table with of goal performance with RIT score and performance band in displayed. A graph with the typical and actual RIT score growth is shown.