This lesson will guide you through adding and managing assessment scopes / subject areas. Districts may label assessments with whatever scopes they find most helpful. Labeling assessments with particular scopes / subject areas will help you find them via filters when searching for assessments.
Scopes and Subject Areas will not appear as filters on the View Assessments page until they are added to an assessment.
Note that Assessment Scopes and Subject Areas do not apply to Item Bank assessments, since Item Bank assessment options are hard coded, and do not utilize Code Management.
Where to Start

- Select the Administration Gear.
- Select Code Management.
Manage Scopes or Subjects
- Select DnA Scopes or DnA Subject Areas from the dropdown.
- Select Load.
- To edit an existing code, select the paper/pencil icon.
- To delete a code, select the trash can icon.
- To create a new code, select Add Code.
Add a Scope or Subject

After selecting Add Code:
- Enter a Code Translation. The Code Translation is what will appear on assessments to select.
- If this code should apply to a specific site, use the dropdown menu to select a site.
- Select Save.
Next Steps
To learn more about admin tools, visit Assessments for Admin.