Description: This is an abstract for the MSP Percent Proficient report, which summarizes the selected students’ performance in terms of how many students scored at each performance level, as well as the percent of students at mastery.
Purpose: Each grouping its own page with # and % of students scoring at each performance level on a MSP, as well as # and % meeting standard vs. not meeting standard. Data can be grouped by all students selected (comprehensive), site, grade level, course, teacher, or section.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > MSP
Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and administrators
What data is reported?
% and # of students earning each performance level and the % and # of students at mastery on the MSP.
How is the data reported?
Each separate report section belongs to a specific group as selected. Data can be grouped by all students selected (comprehensive), site, grade level, course, teacher, or section. Results are tabled at the top and charted at the bottom, with a student list sorted by proficiency level at the end.