Information about each offered item type.
This item type is the traditional multiple choice item. It has four options and one correct answer. This item type will be used on both SBAC and PARCC assessments for ELA and math.
- Filter by: Multiple Choice/Selected Response (one correct)
- Item Type Acronym: MC
- Scoring: Automatically scored
- Assessment Type: Paper/pencil and Online
This item type expects students to consider each option to decide whether or not it is correct. This item type includes a variable number of options and a variable number of correct options. The stem of each of these items will indicate that more than one option may be correct. This item type will be used on both SBAC and PARCC assessments for ELA and math.
- Filter by: Non-Traditional Selected Response (select all, T/F, Y/N, C/I)
- Item Type Acronym: NTSR
- Scoring: Automatically scored
- Assessment Type: Paper/pencil and Online
This item type is a two part multiple choice item. Part A asks students to select an inference about a passage. Part B will ask students to select evidence to support the inference made in Part A. Part B can be either a multiple choice or multiple choice, multiple correct response item. Illuminate currently only supports EBSR items where both Part A and Part B are multiple choice items. This item type will be used on both SBAC and PARCC assessments for ELA.
- Filter by: Evidence Based Selected Response
- Item Type Acronym: EBSR
- Scoring: Automatically scored
- Scoring is 1 point all or nothing for SBAC
- Scoring 2 points for PARCC
- 2 points for both Part A and B correct
- 1 point for Part A correct
- 0 points for neither correct, or only Part B correct
- Assessment Type: Online, not sure how it would look Paper/pencil
This item type requires students to select words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to provide an answer for the task or question. This item type will be used on both SBAC and PARCC assessments for ELA.
- Filter by: Selectable Text
- Item Type Acronym: ST
- Scoring: Automatically Scored
- Assessment Type: Better in Online assessment
This item type is a traditional multiple choice item that involves students selecting their answer from a dropdown menu. This item type is especially useful for younger students, as they can read each option in line with the sentence. This item type will be used on both SBAC and PARCC assessments for ELA and math.
- Filter by: Select Dropdown
- Item Type Acronym: SD
- Scoring: Automatically Scored
- Assessment Type: Full functionality in Online Assessment, but can also be used on Paper/Pencil