A Custom Mark is an optional character you may use to remember why the assignment grade is what you assigned. For example you may have a zero for a child's grade, but you entered "ab" as a custom mark which tells you that the child was absent on the day the assignment was administered. You can assign a value to what the "ab" means. In this lesson you will learn how to setup and use Custom Marks.
Where to Start
- Click Gradebook tab.
- Select My Gradebook.
- Click on the title of the Gradebook you would like to edit.
- Click Setup.
- Select Custom Marks.
Setup Custom Marks
- Add the Mark you will type in as your custom mark. The letters are case sensitive.
- Determine what Value you will assign to the mark.
- Select a mark Type:
- Points will assign the exact number to the custom mark when it is entered in an assignment.
- Percentage of total will do a percent of whatever value the student's grade is on the assignment.
- Enter a Description for the mark (Optional). (ie. L is Late)
- You can also flag the mark as either Missing or Excused.
- Missing (yes) means the assignment is missing and it will show in the missing assignments report under the reports tab in the GradeBook.
- Excused (yes) means it will not affect the overall grade.
- Also Save This To can save these Marks to all of, or select, GradeBooks.
- Click Save and then a new row will appear to add an additional custom mark. Continue this until all custom marks are added.
The X mark indicates an assignment as Excused, meaning the student should not be penalized for not having a score for an assignment.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned about creating custom marks, learn about Create, Modify, and Delete Tags.