Description: A student level report with the fall, winter, and/or spring Fountas and Pinnell reading level and explanation of results.
Purpose: Provide a parent friendly letter to provide individual results over the course of the year, as well as information to explain their child’s results.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Fountas & Pinnell

Who is the intended audience?
Students, Parents, Teachers
What data is reported?
Each student’s name, teacher, Fountas & Pinnell reading level, and instructional recommendation.
How is the data reported?
Each student is summarized in a single page.
Please have your district contact their Customer Success Manager (CSM) for complete details on how to use the Fountas & Pinnell Summary Assessments and Prebuilt Reports.
Note: The Fountas & Pinnell module is year-specific, so they must be manually installed and rolled over each year by an Illuminate support agent. Please email for installation requests.