This lesson will guide you through creating/editing/deleting a bulletin or banner blast. Banner Blasts and Bulletins are a great way to communicate with users to share tips and tricks, Benchmark dates, important DnA information, training support, etc.
By default, all bulletins and banner blasts are shared with everyone. The Bulletin and Banner Blast will expire after 90 days if it is not edited or deleted.
Required Permissions: View Bulletin List, Edit Bulletin Messages
Where to Start
- Click on the Administration Gear.
- Under Other, select Bulletin List.
Create a Bulletin/Banner Blast
- Select Add Bulletin.
Bulletins appear in the Bulletin widget on the Dashboard page. Multiple bulletins display in the widget for users to view.
- Add the Bulletin Date. This is the date users can start seeing the bulletin.
- (Optional) Add a Bulletin End Date.
- Add a Description. This is the content users will see when they access the bulletin widget. You can include a link to website in the description and it will be clickable from the Dashboard, opening a new window in the browser.
- Click Save.
Banner Blasts
Banner Blasts appear on the tile homepage when users log into DnA. Only one banner blast can display at a time.
- Add the Bulletin Date. This is the date users can start seeing the banner blast.
- Optional - Add a Bulletin End Date - if a date it not set, the Banner Blast stays available until a date it added or it is removed.
- Add a Description. This is the content users will see when they access the tile homepage. You can include a link to website in the description and it will be clickable from the banner, opening a new window in the browser.
- Check the Banner Blast box.
- Select the Banner Color (full color palette) and Banner Text Color (black or white).
- Select the School that should have access to view the banner.
- Click Save.
Edit or Delete a Bulletin/Banner Blast
- Click the Edit button to access the bulletin/banner blast settings. Make adjustments and save your changed.
- Click the Delete button to remove the bulletin/banner blast. You will be asked to confirm your deletion.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how to create and manage bulletins and banners, check out the Usage Statistics Dashboard Report.