This lesson guides administrators through setting up users whose Medicaid encounters are required to be verified by a supervisory staff member before submission.
Note: You will need to have the correct permissions in order to perform this function. Please contact your system administrator if you need permissions added to access this functionality.
Where to Start
For ISE Only Users to begin setting up users for verification select Medicaid -> Verification User Setup.
For Multi-product Users to begin setting up users for verification select Special Ed -> Verification User Setup.
Ensure Your Verification Claim Rule Is Set Correctly
In order to have only those Encounters that have been verified be pulled when creating a batch, the Verification Claim Rule must be set to YES.
Search User
This is an open ended search tool that will allow the selection of multiple users or a single user based on the criteria applied in the filters.
For example, you may choose to search only by role or only by site. In those cases, only select the pertinent information and click "Search."
1. Input all or part of a last name to search.
2. Input all or part of the first name of the user you are searching for.
3. Select the site to which the desired user is affiliated.
4. Select a role or roles.
5. Select whether the desired user is active, inactive, or search for both active and inactive users.
6. This filter should be used if you are attempting to edit users that have already been flagged as requiring verification. Otherwise, you should choose "Both" or "Yes."
7. Click "Search"
Setup Users for Verification
1. Indicate whether the user requires log verification by selecting the "Yes/No" radio button.
2. Click "Yes" or "No" to apply the choice to all users in the list (fill down).
3. Click "Submit" to save your selections.
Next Steps
Repeat this process for all of the users who require their Medicaid logs be verified before they can be included in the billing submission.
If a user is no longer required to have his/her logs verified simply search for the desired user and select "No."
You are now ready to establish relationships between the supervisors and delegates.
For more information on establishing relationships see the "Setup Verification Relationships" lesson in this manual.