Response Frequency Report

This report tells you how students answered each question on your test.
How is the data reported?
The single table can be run to reflect performance of a district, site, teacher, or class period.
Student Responses

This report indicates, by list of students, how each student did on the exam. This is also the ONLY place you can delete individual student scores for an assessment.
How is the data reported?
The data is reported by student in alphabetical order with grade level, version, date taken, number correct, number possible, percent correct, and performance band.
Performance Summary Report

This report lets you compare your students’ performance to that of other periods, the site, and the district.
How is the data reported?
Results can be simultaneously tabled and graphed for the district, school, students school-wide who took the same course, teacher, teacher’s students who took the same course, and class period.
Peer Comparison Report

This report shows you how students, teachers, or sites performed on the test and in relation to one another.
How is the data reported?
You see a list of students, teachers, or sites depending on how you run the report.
District Peer Comparison

This report shows you how the entire district performed on the test and in relation to one another.
How is the data reported?
By a list of sites. This report also gives bar, pie and data charts. This report also gives bar, pie and data charts.
Site Peer Comparison

This report shows you how the entire site's worth of teachers performed on the test and in relation to one another.
How is the data reported?
By a list of teachers.
Teacher Peer Comparison

This report shows you how an entire class performed on the test and in relation to one another.
How is the data reported?
By class period.
Student & Parent Letters

This report communicates to a student or parent how 1 student performed on 1 test.
How is the data reported?
Each student has his or her own page, though you can generate reports for every student in a class period simultaneously. Also, the letter and its standards can be displayed in English or Spanish.
Student Small Slips

This report allows you to save paper by printing “mini reports” for multiple students on the same sheet of paper, which you can then cut to distribute.
How is the data reported?
You can generate the report for a single student, but the real magic happens when you generate the report for an entire section. Multiple students are featured per page (usually 10 students per page if you don’t include standards) in a way that allows for easy cutting, so you can give each student his or her slip. Also, the slips and their standards can be displayed in English or Spanish.
Statistics Report

This report provides statistics on a test’s composition and results.
How is the data reported?
A single table of statistics can be run for the test as a whole or broken down by item/question #.
Standards Progress Report

This report helps you monitor students’ progress on standards or question groups across multiple assessments.
How is the data reported?
You see a list of students, teachers, or sites depending on how you run the report.
District Overview

This report gives a basic summary of a district’s performance on a test.
How is the data reported?
The overview is run for the whole district. Results are tabled and graphed.
Site Overview

This report gives a basic summary of a site's performance on a test.
How is the data reported?
The overview is run for a whole site. Results are tabled and graphed.
Teacher Overview

This report gives a basic summary of a teacher's classes overall or a specific period's performance on a test.
How is the data reported?
The overview is run for a teacher's classes overall or for a single class period. Results are tabled and graphed.
Student Overview

This report gives a basic summary of a student's overall performance on a test.
How is the data reported?
The overview is run for a class period and each student is reported on a separate page.
Assessment Pivot Table

This report compares student results on two assessments. Based on the assessment you are looking at, you are able to compare this one to another assessment using a Standard Pivot View or Performance Level (PL) Change View. This does not provide a list of individual students, just an overview.
How is the data reported?
A Performance Level Pivot table (the assessment you accessed the report through is Assessment 1), a Performance Level Bubble Chart, Percent of Students by Performance Level, and Percent of Students at Mastery.
Student Responses
This report gives a summary of individual students' overall score, performance level, and percentage with color coding.
How is the data reported?
The report may be run for the whole district, a school site, a department, a teacher, a course (or a course for a specific teacher), or a class period. Results are tabled and graphed.
Matrix Report

This report gives a summary of a group of students' scores, performance level, and answer choice with color coding for every question on an assessment.
How is the data reported?
The report displays question, class percentage, multiple choice, correct answer, and then each student's score, performance level, and answer choice for each question.