This lesson will guide you in adjusting Calculation and Assignment related preferences in a Standards Based Gradebook.
Where to Start
- Select the Gradebook tab.
- Select My Gradebooks.
- Select the title a Gradebook.
- Select Setup.
- Select Preferences.
Calculate blank as zero? If you select Zero and Missing, if a score field is left blank, it will be considered a 0 for that assignment. Selecting Not Zero and Not Missing will not count a blank score field against a student’s overall grade. Selecting Not Zero and Missing will not count blank scores as Zero, but will consider the assignment missing.
Show Custom Mark- Enables the Enter/Edit Custom Mark field on Student & Assignment entry screens.
Assignment Preferences all are based on how the assignments are displayed in the GradeBook.Below are a few preferences you might be interested in learning more about:
- Show Assignment Mark - Displays the mark received for that assignment.
- Show Assignment Due Date - Displays due date of the assignment.
- Show Assignment Date Assigned - Displays the date the assignment was given.
- Assignment Sort Column - How you sort your columns for display on Spreadsheet view- by Due Date, Assign Date or Name.
- Assignment Sort Direction - Ascending- Oldest assignments first (left), Descending New assignments first (left).
- Assignment Secondary Sort Column - Once first sort is run, how do you want to sort after?
- Assignment Secondary Sort Direction - Ascending- Oldest assignments first (left), Descending New assignments first (left).
- Display Shown in portal? Does this assignment display in the student/parent portal?
- Assignment Creation Button - Show the shortcut button to Create an Assignment?
Other Preferences
Default Scoresheet View- Select the view to enter your scores. This is the view that you will be directed to when a GradeBook is accessed.
Group by Standards - Allows for assignments in a Stanards to be grouped together on the Spreadsheet to easily see assignments linked to the same standard and provides a standard score for each standard.
Enable Autosave- This allows DnA to autosave score entries every few seconds. Disable autosave if youre working with a very slow internet connection.
Spreadsheet View Default Columns Per Page- How many columns will appear on the Spreadsheet view.
Spreadsheet PDF/Show Student Names- On a PDF printout do you want student names to show? (If No is selected, it will just display student ID numbers).
Spreadsheet PDF/Sort By -How would you like the students sorted/names displayed?
Spreadsheet Excel/Show Student Names- On an Excel printout do you want student names to show? (If No is selected, it will just display student ID numbers).
Spreadsheet Excel/Sort By -How would you like the students sorted/names displayed?
Display Attendance -Selecting Yes will show all non-present attendance marks (Absent, Tardy, etc.) for all students on the day an assignment was given. It will display next to the score entry box for that assignment. (This only works for DnA ISI customers)
Display Present Attendance- Displays all present attendance marks as well (see above- This only works with DnA ISI customers).
Display Custom Fields- If you have created a custom field, do you want this to show in your GradeBook?
Saving Preferences
Also Save This To can save these preferences to all of, or select, GradeBooks.
After setting all your desired options to meet the needs of your GradeBook you have the option of saving this setup to other classes as well. Â Select the classes you want to save this same setup to and click Save.
Next Steps
For additional resources on Gradebook Preferences, visit Setup and Preferences for All Gradebooks.