The Usage Statistics Dashboard Report allows system administrators the ability to see user numbers/numbers of assessments created/other statistics in all areas of your DnA site (District level).
Please note: This page does not utilize the options selected in the Control Panel. As such, the values cannot be filtered by date ranges, sites, etc.
Required Permission: Usage Statistics Dashboard Report
Where to Start

- Select the Reports tab.
- Under Admin, click Usage Statistics Dashboard Report.
Dashboard Overview
What exactly do these numbers mean?
- Users = Count of all users who have an affiliation to the current academic year. (Note: The number of users is based off of districts who are using any type of AD or Single Sign on.)
- Users Logged In = Count of distinct users have logged into DnA within the last 30 days (not number of logins).
- Assessments = Number of assessments ever created by all users (not including “God users").
- Published ItemBank Assessments = Number of ItemBank assessments published ever by all users (not including “God users”).
- Online Assessments = Count of all assessments that have had an online testing roster AND the assessment is not created by a “God user.” (Not necessarily the number of online tests given).
- Student Assessments = Count of all assessments ever given to students (including online, manual, etc.). E.g. If "Student 1" takes test “A,” “B,” and “C" that would count as 3.
- Student Assessment Responses = Number of student responses for all assessments (Manual and Online). It is a count of student assessment question responses. E.g. "Student 1" takes test “Benchmark 1” and for “Question 1” puts “A” and for “Question 2” puts “B”…the number is 2.
- GradeBooks = Total number of GradeBooks ever created across the site (e.g. inactive, active, etc.; includes “God users”).
- GradeBook Assignments = Total number of assignments ever created by all users (including “God users”).
- Custom Reports = Total number of reports ever created by all users (including "God users").
- Parents Who Have Logged into the Portal within the last month = A distinct count of the number of parents who have logged into the portal within last 30 days. E.g. “Parent 1” logs in 3 times in last 30 days, they only count once.
- Students Who Have Logged into the Portal within the last month = A distinct count of the number of students who have logged into the portal within last 30 days. E.g. “Student 1” logs in 5 times in last 30 days, they only count once. (Note: The number of students logging into the portal is based off of districts are using any type of AD or Single Sign on.)
- Top Ten Custom Report Authors = Exactly what it says (not including “God users”). This is a ranking of the top ten custom report authors ever.
- Top Ten Assessment Authors = Exactly what it says (not including “God users”). This is a ranking of the top ten assessment authors ever.
- Number of Created ItemBank Assessments = Total number of published OR unpublished ItemBank Assessments created by users that have linked their DNA account to the ItemBank (excluding "God users").
- Number of ItemBank Users = Total number of users that have linked their DNA account to ItemBank (excludes "DnA Assessments" and "DnA Admin" accounts).
- Number of Created Items = Total number of published or unpublished items (excludes "DnA Assessments" and "DnA Admin" accounts) ever created by users that have linked their DNA account to ItemBank (excludes "DnA Assessments" and "DnA Admin" accounts).
- Used Items by Bank = Shows the count per bank of items being used on assessments created by users that have linked their DNA account to ItemBank (excludes "DnA Assessments" and "DnA Admin" accounts).
Edit Layout

- Re-organize the data by clicking on one, holding down your mouse button, and moving the block to the position you would like it to be on the screen. Drop the block in the position you want it to stay in.
- Once you have a layout you like, click Save Layout.
Next Steps
Learn more about System Admin tools by exploring Assessment Management!