This lesson will guide you through linking an assessment given in Illuminate to your Illuminate Standards-Based Gradebook.
Before You Begin
- Adjust and confirm assessments are aligned with standards. Click HERE to view the help document that explains how to align and link standards to your assessment.
- Adjust and confirm assessments have a Standards Based Performance Band. Click HERE to view the help document on how to create custom performance bands.
Where to Start

- Click on Assessments.
- Click View Assessments.
- Click on the title of the assessment. This will take you to the assessment Overview page.
- Go to Administration.
- Select Link to GradeBook.
The Link to GradeBook option will not appear until at least one student has data in the assessment.
Create a New Assignment
- Use the dropdown under What GradeBook are you linking to? to select a GradeBook name to push the assignment to.
- Link Performance Band Level? must be set to Yes when linking to a Standards Based GradeBook.
- Select the Standards to push into the GradeBook under What do you want to link?.
- Click Submit.
- Enter an Assignment Short Name.
- Update a Date Assigned if needed (it will default to the current date).
- Verify the linked Sections the assignment will go to.
- If more than one Standard was selected to link to GradeBook, repeat this process per Standard.
- Click Create and link Assignments.
Verify GradeBook Link
- A green banner across the page "You have successfully linked: Title of exam & assignment" will appear.
- A blue 'linked' box next to all of the Standards linked to the GradeBook.
Click on the 'linked' box to immediately go to the assignment in your gradebook.
Next Steps
Want to learn more about creating assignments? Visit Create, Modify, and Delete an Assignment for Standards-Based GradeBooks.