This lesson will guide you through the process of sending mass emails from within the DnA system. This feature is used to send emails to parents/guardians.
This is a feature you must set up through your Customer Success Manager.
Where to Start
1. Click on Students.
2. Select Mass Emails.
Accessing Mass Emails
3. To see messages that you've sent, see the emails under the heading 'Subject'. To see the content of that email, click on the title of the email.

If you clicked on the title of an old email, you will see when you created it, the subject, and content.
To go back to your list of emails, click List.
Compose a New Email
1. On the main Mass Email page, click Compose.

2. Use the filters at the top of the page to find the students whose parents you would like to send this email to.
3. Use the Email Types filter to select the email address you wish to send the email to, i.e. Contact Email, Registered Portal Account Email, etc.
4. Select Find Recipients.

5. A list of the student/parent (recipient) will populate, to select parents click on the check box to the right of their name, to select all, click the first empty check box in that column.
6. From- The email address that populates here is the one associated to the user in their Basic Information page found in User Management.
7. Subject- Give your message a subject (Ex. Finals Week Activities)
8. Message- Type the main content of your email here.
9. Press Send.

You will receive a green "Email has been queued to send." message at the top of the page after pressing send.
Next Steps
Explore other messaging options such as Messaging via the Student/Parent Portal.