This lesson will guide you through setting up the Illuminate / Aeries Gradebook integration. This is useful for teachers who need to push Illuminate assessment scores to their Aeries Gradebooks.
Required Permissions: Manage Third Party Integrations, Enable Aeries Gradebook Integration
Before you Begin:
Adjust the following permissions in your Aeries API:
- Change the following to READ access: Student Data, Gradebook Data, Gradebook Scores, and Staff Data.
- Change the following to UPDATE status: Gradebook Scores.
Where to Start

1. Click on the Administration Gear.
2. Under Other, select Integrations.

1. Find your integration, in this case, Aeries Gradebook, and press View.

2. Enter your API Certificate. i.e. 012AB56C012AB56CAB79354902GHCA
3. Enter your base URL. i.e. (This should be the public facing URL teachers log into.)
4. Click Add Integration.
You will receive a success message and the information will be saved on this page.

Once the integration is added, click Test Integration. If you see a green message, you have successfully set up your Aeries Gradebook Integration.
After testing, you should find a teacher with data in Illuminate to test the integration to make sure it links correctly.

To view all configured integrations, click Configured Integrations, this will also allow you to download a log of each time an integration has been added/removed..