Description: This is an abstract for the assessment report Response Frequency, which tells you how students answered each question on your test.
Purpose: Identifies which questions students missed most, what distractors may have deterred them, and how many chose each answer choice. It also breaks down standard and question group performance.
Navigation: Assessments > General > View Assessments > 'Title of Assessment' > Reports > Response Frequency
This report has the ability to:
- Students who have no response will be be calculated as zero in the avg. % correct.
- Only shows responses from the set of students being reported on
- No response column
- Include Points Possible
- Includes % and # correct & incorrect
- Includes total number of responses
- Includes Group by Question Group w/total avg.
- Includes Group by Standard w/total avg.
- Includes Group by Question w/ total avg.
- Sorting on response sorts numerically
- Includes charts (High Charts) of questions, question groups, standards
- Rubric Questions are separated out
- Includes percent in addition to count that responded to question
- Hover over standard for description
- Drill in for students improvements
- Drill in for ItemBank improvements
- Plain language sorting & grouping
- Improved colors of bars
- Responsive for iPad.
Who is the intended audience?
What data is reported?
# of students who answered each way for each question/standard/question group, number of correct/incorrect responses, points possible, and percent of students who answered each question correctly. There is also a response distribution chart above the breakdown.
Users also have the ability to click on the question number or any number in the distribution chart to populate a list of students that answered the question or selected a specific answer.
How is the data reported?
The report can be run to reflect performance of a district, site, teacher, or class period. Then users can chose to run by Question, Standard or Question Group as well as Version. You can also run by Number of Students or Percentage.
Run by Standard
In this view, you can click on the booklet icon next to the standard name to open a standard performance graph.
Run by Question Group
In this view, you can click on the performance bar on the graph to open a response distribution per question group performance graph.
If you click on any # of students, you will see a link that reveals those students’ names (e.g., who thought the answer to #3 was D), and if your assessment used an item bank integrated with the Illuminate system, clicking a # can also show you its answer option and a rationale for why students might have mistook it for the correct answer. If you didn’t use an item bank to generate your test booklets via Illuminate, you may add each of your questions to the free Illuminate item bank to do so, thus allowing answers and rationales for them to show in this report.