In this lesson, users will learn how to manually enter and edit data in a Summary Assessment or Demographic. This lesson begins assuming you have already created a Summary Assessment or Demographic.
Where to Start
From within a Summary Assessment or Demographic:
- Click Responses.
- Select Enter/Edit.
- Use the Scope Selectors to narrow down search results (Optional).
- Click Find Students.
Enter/Edit by Grid
Use the text boxes and/or dropdown menus to add scores or demographics.
- Dropdown menu options are based on the Column Values entered when the Summary Assessment was configured. A value other than what is available in the dropdown cannot be manually entered.
- Custom values can be entered into text boxes.
- A box will be highlighted in red if there is a data entry error (i.e. the data entered does not match an accepted value).
- Add another column of data for a student by clicking the + sign next to their name.
- Clicking the crossed arrows will take you into Full Screen mode for data entry.
- Click Save.
- To Delete a line of data, click the Trash Can icon.
Enter Data by Column
- Click by Column. All selected students will appear in a list to enter 1 column of data for at a time.
- The Column Name will appear in a drop down menu to toggle to different columns.
Use the text boxes and/or dropdown menus to add scores or Demographics.
- Dropdown menu options are based on the Column Values entered when the Summary Assessment was configured. A value other than what is available in the dropdown cannot be manually entered.
- Custom values can be entered into text boxes.
- After selections are made, use Filldown to apply the same data to All Students or Students with Blanks.
- Click into the cell next to each student to enter individual student data.
- Click Save.
Enter Data by Student
- Click by Student.
- Toggle to different students by using the dropdown menu.
Use the text boxes and/or dropdown menus to add scores or Demographics.
- Dropdown menu options are based on the Column Values entered when the Summary Assessment was configured. A value other than what is available in the dropdown cannot be manually entered.
- Custom values can be entered into text boxes.
- After selections are made, use Filldown to apply the same data to All Students or Students with Blanks.
- Click into the cell next to each student to enter individual student data.
- Click Save.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to manually enter data into your Summary Assessment or Demographic, learn how to Import Data into a Summary Assessment or Demographic.