Description: This report lists all students who are eligible to take the Golden State Merit Diploma (2016).
Purpose: Identifies students who have met CST requirements for the Golden State Merit Diploma (2016).
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Golden State

Who is the intended audience?
Administrators and Counselors.
What data is reported?
Student Grade Level, HSS Requirement Satisfied? ELA Requirement Satisfied? Math Requirement Satisfied? EOC Science Requirement Satisfied? Met Content Area Requirement? All will be answered with Yes or No. # of CST with Scale Score of at least 370 will report exact number.
How is the data reported?
Data is broken down by student name, Student Grade Level, HSS Requirement Satisfied? ELA Requirement Satisfied? Math Requirement Satisfied? EOC Science Requirement Satisfied? Met Content Area Requirement? # of CST with Scale Score of at least 370.
Uses 2016 logic for GSSMD which can be found at
Uses CST and Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) data for ELA & Math.
Allows you to select courses that apply to each category.
This will only work if transcript grades are in Illuminate.
The report only includes students that qualify for the GSSMD if Illuminate has "Transcript Grades" in the system.
The maximum score is considered in each category to determine if the student qualifies in the course area. If "Transcript Grades" are not included in Illuminate, then all students that qualify for ELA and Math via CST or SBA are included in the list.
Only active courses will be available for this report.