This lesson will guide you through the process of pushing DnA assessment results to your Aeries Points-Based Gradebook.
Required Permission: Enable Aeries Gradebook Integration
Before You Start
- Create the assignment in Aeries, and link it to your categories and points.
- The points possible and date should match the assessment administered in DnA.
- The assessment is shared to your account with Can Administer if you do not own the assessment.
Once this done, log in to DnA to start the assessment push process.
Where to Start

1. Click on Assessments.
2. Under General, select View Assessments.
3. Once on the list of assessments, click on the title of the assessment you wish to push results for.
Push Scores to Aeries Gradebook: Manual/Hybrid, Itembank Assessments

1. Click the Administration tab.
2. Select Push to Aeries Gradebook.

3. Select the Gradebook you would like to push results to using the dropdown menu.

4. Once you select a Gradebook, a second dropdown menu will appear called Assignments. Select the corresponding assignment you want the results to push to.
5. Click Submit. The results will export to the chosen assignment within Aeries.
Push Scores to Aeries Gradebook: Flexible Assessments

1. Click the Administer tab.
2. Select Push to Aeries Gradebook.

3. Select the Gradebook you would like to push results to using the dropdown menu.

4. Once you select a Gradebook, a second dropdown menu will appear called Assignments. Select the corresponding assignment you want the results to push to.
5. Click Submit. The results will export to the chosen assignment within Aeries.
Troubleshooting Tips
The assignment date in Aeries and the First Date Administered date in your DnA assessment MUST match. Otherwise, the integration tool cannot connect to the appropriate assessment.
If Gradebooks are not listed, it could be due to security issues between DnA and Aeries are missing, or incorrect data is being processed between the two systems. Please reach out to your district administrators as they will need to work with DnA Support to resolve the issue.
Next Steps
Use a Standards-Based Gradebook in Aeries? Visit Push Assessment Results to an Aeries Standards-Based Gradebook for more information.