Description: This is a report that summarizes SBA overall and claim level results by District and School, or by Grade Level, for all or a subset of tests selected.
Purpose: This report summarizes Smarter Balanced Assessments Summative or Interim ELA or Math assessments overall and claim performance levels either by Grade Level or by School Site.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Smarter Balanced Assessments

Who is the intended audience?
What data is reported?
Total number of students tested, average scale score by site or grade level, average performance level by site or grade level, percent of students overall meeting standard and not meeting standard, percent of students in each overall performance level, the percent of students at each level by claim.
How is the data reported?
Overall and claim level results are in a table with bar graphs. By default all tests are included in the report, or the tests to be included can be filtered.
This report allows for sorting by Site/Grade, Average Performance Level (high > low), Average Performance Level (low > high), % Meeting Standard (high > low), and % Meeting Standard (low > high).
Grade Level Sample