Description: This is an abstract for the MA PARCC Student Summary, which summarizes the overall score and subclaim levels for a single student on the ELA (Writing and Reading Scores) or Math MA PARCC assessments.
Purpose: Identifies individual student performance on MA PARCC ELA (Writing and Reading Scores) or Math assessments.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > PARCC

Who is the intended audience?
Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators
What data is reported?
Student Name, Students ID, Current School, Current Grade Level, Overall Score, Reading and Writing Scores, and Subclaim Levels.
How is the data reported?
This report is one page per student, with a graph to show the overall score, and subclaim levels color-coded. All possible performance levels for overall score and subclaim levels are provided in the legend to allow the reader to understand what their level means.
This report uses the 'Group Students By' feature to give users a choice as to how they wish to group students on the report include: Comprehensive (All Students Selected), Site, Grade Level, Course, Teacher, or Section.