Description: This report displays students' participation in a specified skills assessment, including an option to list the students that have not yet taken the skills assessment, and an option to list all students, whether they have taken the skills assessment or not, the number of total attempts made, and the date they was last assessed.
Purpose: This report provides a list of students that have or have not been tested on a single skills assessment.
Navigation: This report can be accessed in two ways:
- Assessments > View Assessments > select the Title of the skills assessment > Reports > Skills Assessment Participation
- Reports > View Reports > search Skills to narrow the results, or select Skills Assessment under Tags > Skills Assessment Participation

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators
What data is reported?
Student's name, student ID, grade level, total number of times the student has taken the assessment, and the date most recently assessed.
Student's name, student ID, number of times the student has taken the assessment, date most recently assessed, number of questions correct, number of questions incorrect, a list of items the student answered correctly, a list of items the student answered incorrectly. Questions groups are displayed is available and option is selected.
How is the data reported?
A list with all students ordered by last and first name.