This lesson reviews the variety of Item or Question Types available when creating and managing a Flex Assessment answer key.
Question Types Overview
When adding items or questions, consider your material(s) as a guide to determine which item or question type you want to create. Each question type available will present specific settings that may be perfect as default but can be edited to match your desired results.
Multiple Choice (Partial Credit)
- How Does It Score?Auto-graded
- Default Setup:5 answers, A-E; 1 point score. Only 1 answer can be correct. All others are incorrect, but has option for incorrect choices to deduct points.
- Best For:Providing points on the correct answer and answers that are close or almost correct
- Scenario: B and D are correct. If a student only answers B or D, then they will receive half of the point total. If the question has a weight of 1, they get 0.5, if 2 they get 1.
Multiple Choice (Advanced)
- How Does It Score? Auto-graded
- Default Setup: 5 answers, A-E; 1 point score
- Custom Setting Options: Ability to add alternative correct answers with allocated total points when selected
- Best For: Questions that require a weighting of answer choices such as AE=2 but A=5
- Scenario: Any answers that are not created are considered incorrect.
Constructed Response
- How Does It Score: Teacher-Scored, Teacher Graded
- Default Setup: 2 answers, 0-1; 1 rubric score with weight of 1 point as max rubric score
- Custom Setting Options: Paper Answer Sheet to include background options such as lined, blank, or grid space from 1 line to multiple pages.
- Best For: Fill in the blank, short answer, matching; questions where the answer may be subjective
Constructed Response (Advanced)
- How Does It Score: Teacher-Scored, Teacher Graded
- Default Setup: 4 answers, 1-4; 4 rubric score with weight of 4 points as max rubric score (ie. 3=12, 2=8, 1=4)
- Custom Setting Options: Ability to alter other rubric scores and their point values (i.e. 3 = 15 instead of default 12). Paper Answer Sheet options to include background options such as lined, blank, or grid space from 1 line to multiple pages
- Best For: Short Answer (Paragraph); Essay; Charts, Graphs; performance measured on multiple criteria in a rubric
No Rubric Option
- Available only in Constructed Response Advanced (CR Adv)
- Selecting No Rubric omits having to create a rubric
- Disables bubbles in an answer sheet
- Requires manual entry of student scores using Enter/Edit
- Reports like Response Frequency will use the weight as the rubric scale automatically
The weight limit for No Rubric is 10,000 points.
Explicit Constructed Response
- How Does It Score: Auto-Scored, Computer-Graded
- Default: 1 answers as entered; 1 point weight
- Custom Setting Options: Ability to add alternative correct answers and weight
- Best For: Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, Math, Vocabulary, Matching, or questions where the answer can be determined automatically, not subjectively
NOTE: for online administration only
Next Steps
Now that you know your flex question types and various options, take a look at Creating a Flexible Assessment.