This lesson provides a step by step through creating and managing versions for Flexible assessments. This lesson begins assuming a Flexible assessment has been created with an answer key.
Versions are designed for paper/pencil administration.
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Click View Assessments.
- Select the title of a Flexible assessment.
Access Versions
- Click the Settings Gear.
- Select Versions.
Multiple versions can be added to an assessment after it has already been created, but multiple versions cannot be added to an assessment after it already has data in it.
- Select Create Version.
- Click the Pencil icon to edit an existing version.
- Click the Trash Can icon to delete a version.
Create a Version
- Version Order displays the question order of the version being accessed.
- From Master displays the question's original position, which is its position on Version 1 (Master) of your assessment. Use the dropdown menu to re-arrange the question order.
- Click Save when done.
- Click Back to All Versions to return to the Versions screen.
Only Multiple Choice questions can be arranged using the From Master drop downs. All other questions are locked into fixed postions.
Next Steps
To learn more about Flexible Assessments, visit the Flexible Assessments manual.