This lesson walks through how to share an assessment with other users. Sharing assessments provides users with access to the assessment's design and setup, but only provides access to the student data the user has permission to. Assessments can only be shared by the assessment author, or users given the permission to share.
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Select View Assessments.
- Select the title of the assessment to share.
Access Sharing

On the right-hand side of the top bar of a Flexible or Item Bank assessment, select the Share icon.

On the Details tab of a Skills Assessment, scroll down to the Sharing section, and select Manage Sharing.

On the top navigation bar of a Summary Assessment or Assessment View, select the Share tab.
Apply Sharing Permissions

- The Current Permissions table displays the users given access to the assessment, and the permissions they've been given. Select View Users for any permission column to view the list of users with that permission.
- Select or deselect permission checkboxes to add or remove permissions for the assessment for the desired row, and select Save Changes.
- If an assessment hasn't been shared with any users, a message banner will appear in place of the Current Permissions table.
- Select an audience from the Share With dropdown.
- Available audiences include: Everyone, Site, Role, Grade Level, Department, Course, Site & Role, Site & Grade Level, Site & Department, Site & Course, Permission Group, and User.
- Each audience selection, excepting Everyone, will populate further dropdown fields to search for and select the desired group, intersection of groups, or individual user.
- E.g., selecting Site & Role populates a Site field, which can be set to Thompson Elementary, and a Role field, which can be set to Teacher. This selection will share the assessment with every user that has a Teacher role at the Thompson Elementary site.
- Can View & Download is select by default, and allows users to open the assessment, view reports, and download results.
- Select Can Administer to allow users the ability to administer the assessment to students, and view, edit, and enter student scores.
- Select Can Edit to allow users to edit the assessment.
- Select Can Share to allow users to share the assessment with other users.
- Select Share to save the entered share permissions, and view newly added permissions in the Current Permissions table.
Next Steps
To learn more about assessment functions, take a look at the other articles in the Assessment Basics manual.