Materials are files that are attached to an assessment. Flexible, Item Bank, Skills, and Summary assessments all feature the option for users to upload materials. This lesson reviews how to upload, manage, and delete materials in each type of assessment.
Before You Begin
Required Permission: Only the assessment author or a user with the edit permission can upload and attach materials to an assessment.
This lesson begins assuming that the assessment that materials are being attached to is in the process of being created, or has already been created. If this is not the case, take a look at Creating a Flexible Assessment, Creating an Item Bank Assessment, Create a Skills Assessment, or Create a Summary Assessment or Demographic to begin creating the desired assessment type.
Where to Start

- Select Assessments.
- Select View Assessments.
- Select the title of the assessment to add materials to.
Flexible Assessments are built to accommodate a two-part assessment setup, where users can create an answer key to accompany a student assessment, such as a paper booklet, PDF document viewed online, or viewable slides. Students are posed questions through the chosen student assessment, which students then answer via the answer key. Linking materials to Flexible Assessments provides the student assessment material for students to view while assessing, and is a particularly important step for Flexible Assessments being administered online.
Along with uploading a student assessment file, users can also upload additional materials useful to teachers and administrators, such as a scoring rubric, or a document providing additional instructions for administering the assessment.

- From within the desired Flexible assessment, select the Materials icon, or select Edit.

- Select Upload Materials.

- Select Google Drive to upload a file from your Google Drive account.
- You will be prompted to log into your Google account.
- Selected materials from Google Drive will be converted to a PDF view. Therefore, any changes made to the document after uploading will not be updated in the assessment.
- In order to update Google Drive materials, the materials will need to be removed, and the updated version must be re-uploaded.
- Select From my computer to upload a file from the current device.
- Drag and drop a file from a desktop, window, or device into the Drag a File Here window to upload the draggable file.
Only PDF materials are supported as attachments on Flexible assessments. Other file types will produce an error message, and will not upload to the assessment.
- Once one or more files have been uploaded, the file names will be listed under the List of materials.
- Select the Student Assessment radio button to indicate which file should be accessible to students during online testing.
- The first file uploaded to a Flexible assessment is automatically selected as the Student Assessment file.
- Only one material can be selected as the Student Assessment file.
- Select the Preview eye icon to view the uploaded file.
- Select the Download arrow icon to download the file.
- Select the Delete trashcan icon to delete the file from the assessment.
- Select the X button to close the Upload Materials window.
- Select Done to save the assessment changes and return to the assessment overview page.
In Item Bank Assessments, materials are additional files that can be attached for teachers and administrators, such as a scoring rubric or a document providing additional instructions for administering the assessment.
Materials added to an Item Bank Assessment are not accessible to students online. Students are only able to access theĀ Student Booklet.

- From within the desired Item Bank assessment, select View.

- Select the Materials icon.

- Drag and drop a file from a desktop, window, or device into the Drag a file here window, or select within the area to search and select a file from your device.
Supported file types are .png, .jpeg, .tiff, .docx (Word document), and .pdf.
- Once one or more files have been uploaded, the file names will be listed under the List of materials.
- Select the Download arrow icon to download the file.
- Select the Delete trashcan icon to delete the file from the assessment.
- Select the X button to close the Materials window.
- Select Done to save the assessment changes and return to the assessment overview page.
In Skills Assessments, materials are additional files that can be attached for teachers and administrators, such as a scoring rubric or a document providing additional instructions for administering the assessment.

- From within the desired Skills assessment, select the Details tab.
- Scroll down to the Materials section and select Manage Materials.

- Select the Upload button.

- Drag and drop a file from a desktop, window, or device into the Drop files here to upload window, or select within the area to search and select a file from your device.
- Select Done to close the Upload Material popup window.

- A confirmation banner appears.
- Uploaded materials appear in a table, with the file name, the user that uploaded it, and the date and time it was uploaded. Select the file name to download a copy of the file.
- Select the Delete icon to delete the uploaded file.
In Summary Assessments, materials are additional files that can be attached for teachers and administrators, such as a scoring rubric or a document providing additional instructions for administering the assessment or entering data.

- From within the desired Summary assessment, scroll down to the Materials section, and select Upload.

- Select Choose File to search and select a file from your device. Once chosen, the name of the file appears next to the Choose File button.
- Enter a Description of the file. This is the text that will appear under the Materials list on the assessment Overview page.
- Select Upload.

- Uploaded files will appear in a list under the Materials section. Select the file description text or the green arrow to download a copy of the file.
- Select the Delete trashcan icon to delete the file.
- Files uploaded without a description added appear blank, without description text, on the Materials list.
Next Steps
To learn more about assessment functions, take a look at the other articles in theĀ Assessment Basics manual.