Any assessments you create and any assessments that are shared with you can be easily found, filtered, and listed.
Where to Start

- Select Assessments.
- Under General, click View Assessments.
Use the Assessment Sidebar

- To see only the assessments you've created, select My Assessments.
- View only Favorite assessments that have been marked as such by yourself or by the District.
- Looking for your Item Bank assessments that are still a work in progress? Select Draft Item Bank to see all unpublished Item Bank assessments quickly.
- Select Recent to access assessments recently accessed by date.
- Find assessments that have been Shared to you by others with Shared With Me.
- Districts that have purchased Inspect Pre-built assessments can filter for just those assessments. The section is a dropdown which has filters for specific assessment types.
- Assessments that have been deleted can be found in Trash for up to 90 days.
Only Show Assessments with Data

Sometimes, you want to find assessments that have student data quickly. By default, all assessments with or without data will show on the page.
- Current Data will show as gray for no student results or green for current data.
- Toggle Only Show Assessments with Data to change the list to those assessments. These will also follow your previously selected filters.
- Now assessments with student data will appear in the list.
Using Filters

Filters are a great way to find a very specific set of assessments based on the tags and details that have been assigned to the assessment. You can choose one or multiple filters to find exactly what you are looking for:
- Type of assessment is established at the creation process or what kind of assessment you created.
- Year is the academic year the assessment is tied to.
- Select a Grade Level or grade levels that the assessment is targeted for.
- Scope typically refers to the goal of administration such as a District Benchmark, a Curriculum Assessment, or Teacher Created Material.
- Select a Subject the assessment is mainly about.
- Date Created will limit the search to a specific creation date. This is not a multi-select or date range option.
- Select Search to generate a new list.
- Reset will clear your filters and start over.
Selecting too many filters will limit your results. If you're still struggling to find an assessment, clear all of your filters.
Next Steps
To learn more about assessment functions, take a look at the other articles in the Assessment Basics manual.