This lesson provides step-by-step guidance on creating a Passage in the Item Bank. Passages can only be created when creating an item.
Where to Start
- Select Assessments.
- Select Browse Item Bank.
Create or Edit an Item
- Passages can be accessed by selecting:
- The Create Item button.
- The View (#) Items for items with a Passage already linked > Edit Item.
- The 3 dots icon > Edit Item.
Create a New Passage
- Select the book icon to access Passages.
- Select + Create a New Passage.
- Use the arrows to expand the creation space.
- Enter a Passage Title.
- Enter the content of the passage. A toolbar is available for formatting.
- To insert a line break, use shift-return (or shift-enter, depending on the keyboard).
- Uncheck Link passage to item if the passage should not be linked to the item being created.
- Select a Content Language from the dropdown menu.
- Enter details such as Lexile and Word Count, or expand Advanced Settings for more options (Optional).
- Select Save Passage.
Scroll down in the Passage Creation space to see the Save Passage button if it is not visible on the screen.
Advanced Settings (Optional)
- Use the caret icon to expand the Advanced Settings menu:
- Media Type - The method in which the Passage should be administered.
- Passage Category - Classification or grouping of reading passages based on specific criteria, such as theme, genre, or subject matter.
- Passage Genre - The style or category of a written or spoken passage based on its characteristics, structure, and content.
- Passage Sub-Genre - A more specific or specialized category within a broader genre of written or spoken text.
- Flesch Kincaid - Numeric value to indicate how difficult a passage is to understand.
- Level of Meaning/Purpose - Relates to text complexity, with Measure 1 being the easiest and Measure 4 being the most difficult.
- Structure - Organization and arrangement of elements within a written or spoken text, with Measure 1 being the easiest and Measure 4 being the most difficult.
- Knowledge Demands - Information or understanding that is required to comprehend and respond to a passage, with Measure 1 being the easiest and Measure 4 being the most difficult.
- Language Clarity - Quality of written or spoken communication that makes the message easily understood by the intended audience, with Measure 1 being the easiest and Measure 4 being the most difficult.
- Copyright Owner - Individual or entity that holds the exclusive rights to a creative work that has been granted copyright protection.
- Original Author - Who originally wrote the passage.
- Original Source - The work where the passage originally came from.
Edit an Existing Passage
- Select the book icon to access Passages.
- If the passage that needs to be edited is already linked to the item, select Edit.
- If the passage that needs to be edited is not linked to the item, enter the passage title into the search bar to search for a passage. The search bar will become a drop down menu of passages matching the entered text. Select a Passage, then select Edit.
- Use the arrows to expand the creation space.
- Enter a Passage Title.
- Enter the content of the passage. A toolbar is available for formatting.
- To insert a line break, use shift-return (or shift-enter, depending on the keyboard).
- Uncheck Link passage to item if the passage should not be linked to the item being created.
- Select a Content Language from the dropdown menu.
- Enter details such as Lexile and Word Count, or expand Advanced Settings for more options (Optional).
- Select Save Passage.
Scroll down in the Passage Creation space to see the Save Passage button if it is not visible on the screen.
Linked Passage
- A preview of the passage displays.
- Select Unlink Passage to unlink the passage from the item.
- Select View Passage List to link a different passage or create a new passage.
Next Steps
To learn more about item creation, visit Item Bank Items.