The Classification item type allows students to answer item prompts by dragging answer choices into a category. This item type is automatically scored. This lesson provides step-by-step guidance on creating a Classification item in the Item Bank.
Where to Start

- Select Assessments.
- Select Browse Item Bank.
Create a New Item

- Select Create Item.
- Use the dropdown to select Classification as the item type.
Classification Item

- Enter the Item Stem. The stem directs students on how to answer the question.
- To insert a line break in the stem, use shift-return (or shift-enter, depending on the keyboard).
- Enter the Row Label. This tells students what type of categories are displayed.
- By default, two categories display. Select Add Category to create a new category.
- Classification items involve placing answer choices into categories. Each category is represented by a cell or box, but depending on what labels are used and omitted, various sort of layouts can be achieved. See the Additional Examples section below to see other layout options.
- Enter the Category Labels.
- Enter the Choice Label. Students sort the choices into the correct categories.
- By default, three choices display. Select Add a Choice to create additional choices.
- Enter the Choices.
- Use the 2 line button to drag the choices into the correct Category.
- Use the minus button to remove a Choice from a Category.
Additional Examples
The following layout uses only Category Labels. Row Labels would usually be left blank for this sort of layout, but here they have been labeled [blank] for added clarity.

To achieve a column-style layout, use the Settings panel to set “Categories per row” to the number of Categories you wish to use. Here, Categories per row has been set to 3.

To force narrower columns, set Categories per row to a number that is higher than the number of Categories you are using (up to 6).

To achieve a row-style layout, use the Settings panel to set Categories per row to 1, and put the category names into the Row Label fields, rather than the Category Label fields, which can be left blank.

To achieve a matrix-style layout, use Category Labels for the cells in the first row as column labels, but omit Category Labels for cells in later rows. Use Row Labels for the other classification dimension.

Item Details

- To link Standard(s) to the item, select the Three Pages icon.
- To link a Passage to the item, select the Book icon.
- To add Tags to the item, select the Tag icon.
- Additional Settings are available:
- Lock Choice Order: The order of the Choices is determined when the item is created. The Choices will not be randomized during online testing.
- Categories per row: Determines the number of Categories displayed in each row.
- Choices Position: Determines where Choices appear, relative to the Categories.
- Allow Multiple Placements: Allows students to place Choices into multiple Categories.
- Max choices per category: Places a customizable upper limit on the number of Choices that can be placed within any one Category.
- Item Stem: Include or remove the Item Stem field.
- Teacher Instructions and Rationale can also be enabled or disabled.
Item Preview

- Select Item Preview.
- Users can select to preview the item from a Student or Instructor Role.
- Test the item by dragging the Choices into the Categories.
- Select Check Answers to verify the answer key. Correctly categorized Choices will be outlined in green, and incorrectly categorized Choices will be outlined in orange. Correctly completed Categories will outline in green, and incorrectly completed or incomplete Categories will be outlined in orange.
Publish Item

- When the item is completed, select Done.
- To make the item available to use in an assessment, select Publish.
- To save an item that isn't ready to be published, select Save Draft.
- To delete the item, select Discard.
Once items are Published, they can be Locked, Edited, or Deleted.
Next Steps
Now that you have created a Classification item, learn about Creating an Item Bank Assessment.