This lesson walks through the process of creating the three different types of Skills Assessment questions: Basic, Image, and Advanced Questions.
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Select View Assessments.
- Select a Skills Assessment from the list.

- Select Manage Questions.

- Select Add Question.

OR, if you have just created a new Skills Assessment, select Step 2 - Add Questions.
Basic Question
The Basic Question type allows for text input only, and is best used for simple letter, sound, or word recognition questions.

- Select the Basic Question type.
- Enter a Prompt.
- This is what the student will see. The preview screen populates with the prompt text as it is typed in.
- (Optional) Select a white or black background color. If unchanged, the default grey background will appear.
- Select a Font Face.
- The preview screen text updates to the chosen font.
- Select a Font Size.
- The preview screen text updates to show how the prompt will appear with the new font size.
- (Optional) Enter Directions on how to assess the question.
- This will display at the bottom of the screen for students, and can also be read aloud by teachers.
- (Optional) Add one or more Question Groups. Question Groups can be chosen from the dropdown list of already existing Question Groups that appear, or a new Question Group can be created by typing the desired name, and pressing Enter.
- (Optional) Select the Create Another checkbox to immediately continue creating questions.
- Select Create.
Image Question
The Image Question type allows for single image upload, and is best used for relating images and icons to simple words or sounds.

- Select the Image Question type.
- Enter a question Title.
- Select Upload an Image to add an image to the question.
The uploaded image will be automatically centered and auto-scaled to fit the viewable area on the preview screen. Only one image is allowed in Image Questions; uploading a second image will replace the first image. Recommended image file types are GIF, JPG, and PNG.
- A preview of the uploaded image will display.
- Select and drag the image to relocate it within the viewable area.
- Select and drag the corner or edge squares to resize or stretch the image.
- Select and drag the green icon at the top to rotate the image.
- (Optional) Enter Directions on how to assess the question.
- This will display at the bottom of the screen for students, and can also be read aloud by teachers.
- (Optional) Add one or more Question Groups. Question Groups can be chosen from the dropdown list of already existing Question Groups that appear, or a new Question Group can be created by typing the desired name, and pressing Enter.
- (Optional) Select the Create Another checkbox to immediately continue creating questions.
- Select Create.
Advanced Question
The Advanced Question type allows for full control and customization of the question, and can be used in any scenario where simple text or image questions won't suffice.

- Select the Advanced Question type.
- Select if the question should be used as an Introduction Page for the Skills Assessment.
View the Introduction Page section below to learn more about this feature.
- Enter a question Title.
- (Optional) Select a white or black background color. If unchanged, the default grey background will appear.
- Use the preview and editor screen to create the question visual.
Available tools and features include:- Free draw
- Shapes
- Lines
- Borders
- Text
- Upload images
View the Customize Options section below to learn more about these tools.
- (Optional) Enter Directions on how to assess the question.
- This will display at the bottom of the screen for students, and can also be read aloud by teachers.
- (Optional) Add one or more Question Groups. Question Groups can be chosen from the dropdown list of already existing Question Groups that appear, or a new Question Group can be created by typing the desired name, and pressing Enter.
- (Optional) Select the Create Another checkbox to immediately continue creating questions.
- Select Create.
An Introduction Page is an optional Advanced Question type that allows users to create a purely informational item that will always appear at the beginning of the Skills Assessment. It is intended to allow administrators to give instructions for teachers on how to administer the assessment to students.

- To create an Introduction Page question, select Advanced Question.
- Select the Yes radio button for Introduction Page.
Only one Introduction Page question can be added to any Skills Assessment; after an Introduction Page has been added to a Skills Assessment, the option will appear disabled.
- A popup message will appear indicating that the Introduction Page instructions can be added using the text tool. The item can be completed following the instructions for creating an Advanced Question.

The Introduction Page does not need to be the first question added to a Skills Assessment. The question can be anywhere on the question list, including in the middle or end of the list, and it will always display as the first item on the assessment when administering. Question randomization can also be enabled when administering to a student, and the Introduction Page will still appear as the first item.

Upon administration, the Introduction Page displays similarly to any other question, with a few differences. The Correct and Incorrect buttons do not populate, only displaying the Previous and Next buttons, as the Introduction Page cannot be scored.
As it cannot be scored, the Introduction Page item will not display as a question on reports or be included in report statistics.
Preview and Move Tool

Selecting the Preview button displays a preview of the question without the editing buttons, showing what the student will see during testing. Select the Preview button again to return to the edit screen.
Use the Move Tool to select different elements to be edited, moved, or resized.
Drawing Tool

Use the Drawing Tool to free-draw shapes, images, and text. Available customizations include changing the Line Color and the Line Width.
Shape Tools

Premade shape tools available for use include the Circle, Square, Triangle, Decagon, Diamond, and Star Tools. Select a shape tool, and select and drag the cursor to place a shape of the desired size. Once placed, select and drag the shape to relocate it within the viewable area. Select and drag the corner or edge squares to resize or stretch the shape. Select and drag the green icon at the top to rotate the shape. Available customizations include changing the Line Color, Fill Color, and Line Width.
Line Tool

Use the Line Tool to place straight lines. To place a single line, select the Line Tool, select the location to start the line, and hold and drag the cursor to the location to end the line. To place multiple connected lines, such as when creating a custom shape, select the Line Tool, select the location to start the first line, and continue selecting where each successive line should end, until the final line connects to the start of the first line. Once placed, select and drag the line or shape to relocate it within the viewable area. Select and drag the endpoint, corner, or edge squares to resize or stretch the line or shape. Select and drag the green icon at the top to rotate the line or shape. Available customizations include changing the Line Color and Line Width, and whether to include one, two, or no Line Arrows.
Border Tool

Use the Border Tool to create a border within the viewable area, and/or to add a background color. Selecting the Border Tool automatically places a rectangular border near the edges of the viewable area. Once placed, select and drag the border to relocate it within the viewable area. Select and drag the corner or edge squares to resize or stretch the border. Select and drag the green icon at the top to rotate the border. Available customizations include changing the Line Color, Fill Color, and Line Width.
Text Tool

Use the Text Tool to create a text box and add written text. Select the Text Tool, and select the desired location in the viewable area. Type the desired text, and select outside of the highlighted text area. The text becomes an editable object. Select and drag the text box to relocate it within the viewable area. Select and drag the corner or edge squares to resize the text box. Select and drag the green icon at the top to rotate the text. Available customizations include changing the Font Color, Font Face, Font Size, and Font Alignment.
Image Tool and Image Folders

Use the Image Tool to upload images from your saved files, or select an image saved to the DnA image repository.

- When the Image Tool is selected, the DnA Library window opens.
- Select the DnA folder to access images and image folders shared across the entire district.
- Select the My Images folder to access images and image folders saved to your personal folder, and images that have been shared with you.

- Select the back arrow to leave the current folder.
- Use the Search bar to search image file names.
- The breadcrumb trail displays what folder is currently open.
- Select Add Image to upload an image from your saved files to the current folder.
- Select the Add Folder icon to create a new image folder.
- Select the Shared With You folder to view images and image folders that have been share with you by other users.
- Select an image to add it to the Advanced Question.
- Right-click an image or file to Delete it from the repository, or to Share it with other users.
- Images in the DnA folder cannot be shared, as those images are already available across the district.
- In the Sharing window, choose to share images or files with Users or a User Role, specify which user or role, and select Share.
- Images and folders that you have shared with others will appear in the Shared With You folder for those users.
Once an image is chosen and placed, select and drag the image to relocate it within the viewable area. Select and drag the corner or edge squares to resize or stretch the image. Select and drag the green icon at the top to rotate the image. Multiple images may be uploaded.
Editing Tools

Multiple editing tools are available along the bottom of the editor screen.
- Undo: Undo the last change that was made.
- Redo: Redo the last change that was undone.
- Delete Element: Remove the selected element.
- Copy Element: Copy the selected element.
- Paste Element: Paste the last copied element.
- Clear Canvas: Clear the viewable area canvas of all elements.
Placement Tools

Element placement tools are available along the bottom of the editor screen, and allow elements to be moved between the foreground and background, in front of and behind other elements. The Send to Back and Send to Front options place the selected elements as the bottom layer or the top layer, respectively. The Move Back and Move Forward options move the selected elements back and forward one layer at a time.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to create questions, check out how to Administer a Skills Assessment.