This lesson will guide you through creating a Summary Assessment / Demographic. This is useful for creating a location for entering and tracking scores or demographic information.
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Click Create Assessment.

- Click the Other tab.
- Select Summary or Demographic.
Add Summary Assessment/Demographic Information

The more specific you get in this area, the easier it will be to find your assessment or demographic later using filters.
- Enter a Title.
- Enter a Local Id (Optional) .
- Enter a Description (Optional) .
- Enter a Date Administered date (Optional) .
- Select Subject, Scopes, and Grade Levels (Optional) .
- Click Save.
To edit this information at any time, click the Information tab.
Adding Columns

- Click the Columns tab.
- Click + Add Column to add a new column. Repeat for the number of columns you need in the assessment/demographic.
- Enter the Column Name that will help understand the data that will be entered in the column.
- Pick the Column Type that best describes the type of data to enter in the column.
- Text allows any number/letter combination as well as complete sentences.
- Number allows a numerical value to be entered. This field helps in filtering a custom report to use integers or greater than/less than options, applying performance bands, and adding calculations.
- Date allows a dropdown calendar to pick the date.
- Boolean allows for checkbox entry. In custom reporting this allows filtering for "Is true" or "Is false."
- Add a comma-separated list of values in Column Values to create a pre-populated dropdown on the Entry page (Optional).
- If Column Values are entered, these will be the only supported values for that column. Users will not be able to manually enter a value other than the options provided.
- Click Save.
You do not need to add a column for Local Student ID, Student Name, or Current Grade Level. These columns are automatically added to the Summary Assessment.
Next Steps
Now that you've created a Summary or Demographic Assessment, learn how to Manage a Summary Assessment or Demographic.