This lesson offers a guide through the process of administering a Skills Assessment.
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Under General, select View Assessments.
- Select a Skills Assessment from the list.
- Select + Test Students.
Selecting a Student and Assessment Action

- The list of students can be narrowed down by selecting Filter Students, and adding the desired filters.
- Select Filter.
- Select Test under Actions to begin assessing that student on all questions OR select the Arrow to Test Specific Questions.
Two types of Assessment Actions are offered:
When testing a student by selecting Test, the end-user has the option to stop the assessment at any time by selecting the Review/Save button. To continue the test, select the student, select Test, and the following screen will indicate the option to Start Full Assessment or Start From Previous.
Test Specific Questions

- Select the checkbox next to the letter or word to assess. Prompts already tested that were answered correctly appear in green.
OR - Select Question Group(s) at the top of the page to select all questions in that group.
- Select Test Selected Questions.
- If the question has already been tested, the last date and time tested appears.
- Any Question Groups associated to the prompt also display.
The suggested purpose of Test Specific Questions:
- The student took the full assessment; however, the student struggled with a small area of the assessment and the end-user would like to retest a handful of questions.
- The assessment has numerous questions and various question groups, and the end-user would like to assess the student by areas of content via question groups.
Administering the Assessment

- The assessment title, student name, and student ID will appear before beginning.
- To administer the entire assessment, select Start Full Assessment.
- If the student has already been assessed in the past, and the previous attempt includes incorrect scores or was only partially completed, the previous administration can be resumed. The date and time of the prior administration will appear. Select Start From Previous to resume the previous administration and retest questions that were marked incorrect, or to continue from where a partially completed administration was left off.
- (Optional) If question randomization has been enabled for the assessment, select the Randomize Question Order checkbox to activate randomization.
Skills assessments support multiple administrations, allowing students to be reassessed based on their previous attempt.

- Mark a question Correct/Incorrect and/or navigate to Previous/Next questions. Add Comments to each question as necessary.
The testing interface includes keyboard shortcuts:- -> arrow = next item
- <- arrow = previous item
- 1 = mark correct
- 2 = mark incorrect
- Selecting Review/Save saves current progress on a test. To leave the assessment, select Exit.
If Exit is selected after beginning the assessment, any progress made will not be saved. To save progress to continue later, select Review/Save.

- (Optional) Add Notes to the assessment. These notes are for internal use only and do not appear on any of the reports.
- (Optional) Add a Comment for parent, which will display on reports.
- Select Finish/Save to mark the test as complete.
- (Optional) If other Skills Assessments are linked to the administered assessment, the Linked skill assessments dropdown will appear after the administration is saved. To continue assessing the same student, select the desired linked assessment from the dropdown and select Take test. The administration for the linked assessment will begin immediately.
- (Optional) After the administration is saved, the Next student button will appear. Select Next student to view the current student's scores, and a dropdown of other students to assess.
Administer to Next Student

- After the administration for one student is completed and Next student is selected, the student's Correct, Incorrect, and Skipped questions display.
- To test other students, select the student's name from the dropdown menu.
- Select Next to begin that student's assessment.
- Select Exit to go back to the Student List.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned to administer a Skills Assessment, learn about Reports: Skills Assessments.