In response to the need for distance learning resource materials, we have quickly created this video on Rostering a Flexible Assessment for reference.
In this lesson, you will learn how to administer or assess students with an assessment. Administering the assessment means you are providing the students with tools to answer the questions by means of scanning, online testing, or manually enter/edit student scores.
Administration options may vary depending on permissions and organizational goals.
Where to Start

- Go to Assessments.
- Click View Assessments.
- Select the title of an assessment.
Administration Options
- To set up this assessment to be available to students online, select Online Testing.
- Enter/Edit allows for review of teacher-graded questions, view student work, and review auto-scored responses.
- Grade with Camera to start scanning student results!
- Grade with Scanner to upload a file or pre-scanned results to score in mass.
Your administration options for students are available based on your answer key. Question types vary if supported with scanning and online testing. If using Explicit Constructed Response items in your Flexible Assessment, your administration options are Manually Enter/Edit or Online Testing only.
Next Steps
Consider adding PRA or additional skills-based activities for your students after they have taken an assessment by visiting Personalized Review Assignments (PRA).